Return of School Textbooks/Ġbir tal-Kotba tal-Iskola

Dear parents/guardians and students of Rabat Middle School,

We hope you are all fine and looking forward for the Summer Holidays.

Before you start, kindly be informed that you are to return the School books to Rabat Middle School library on the undermentioned dates and times ONLY.

On that day, every student has to (if not yet done so), clear his/her locker and hand in the locker key.  Lost key costs €10.

If you still have any reading books which you have borrowed, kindly return it/them as well.

Students who fail to return any book/s or the locker key, they have to pay for it/them.

For Health & Safety measures, kindly be informed that all students have to come to school wearing masks and the temperature will be taken at the door.  Only students will be allowed into the school and they have to wait outside until they will be called and sent to the library in groups of 3 at a time.  Social distancing has to be respected at all times.

Tuesday 30th June, 2020  Time and Classes:   8.00 am – 8.45 am Bern                                     8.45 am – 9.15 am Prague                                     9.15 am – 9.45 am Rome       
Wednesday 1st July, 2020Time and Classes:    8.00 am – 8.45 am Vienna                                     8.45 am – 9.30 am London
Thursday 2nd July, 2020Time and Classes:    8.00 am –  8.45 am Warsaw                                     8.45 am –  9.15 am Athens                                     9.15 am –  9.45 am Nicosia
Friday 3rd July, 2020Time and Classes:    8.00 am –  8.45 am Helsinki                                     8.45 am –  9.30 am Moscow

Għeżież ġenituri/Kustodji u studenti tal-Iskola Medja tar-Rabat,

Nisperaw li lkoll tinsabu tajbin tistennew ħerqana l-vaganzi tas-Sajf.

Qabel ma tibdew il-vaganzi jekk jogħġobkom intom mitluba li tirritornaw lil-Librerija tal-iskola, l-kotba li kellkom matul is-sena f’dawn id-dati indikati hawn taħt BISS.

Dakinhar ukoll kull student/a (jekk mhux diga lest) hu mitlub li jbattal il-locker u j/tirritorna ċ-cavetta tiegħu.  Il-Prezz ta’ ċavetta tal-locker mitlufa huwa dak ta’ €10.

F’kas li fadlilkom xi ktieb ieħor misluf lilkom mill-iskola, intom mitluba wkoll li tirritornawh.

Huwa importanti ħafna li kotba neqsin jew ċwievet tal-lockers mitlufa jiġu mħallsa.

Għal raġunijiet ta’ saħħa, l-istudenti iridu jiġu l-iskola libsin maskra filwaqt li tittihdilhom it-temperatura fil-bieb tal-iskola.  Kulħadd hu mitlub li jistenna barra sakemm jiġu msejħa tlieta tlieta biex jitilgħu fil-librerija.  Huwa mitlub mill-istudenti kollha li jżommu d-distanza soċjali f’kull ħin.

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